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Print Marketing: Your Physical Complement in a Digital World

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) found that direct mail has a response rate that’s more than 30 times greater than email marketing. The business is expected to increase in value more than 225 percent by 2024. And this is just a single facet of print marketing today! Billions of business cards and mail advertisements are printed and distributed annually in the United States, and for good reason: customers still like their paper and are more likely to act on it compared to many forms of digital marketing. This isn’t the only reason print marketing is surging, either.

The Efficiency of Print Marketing

While businesses often feel pressure to go digital in various aspects, modern advances in printing technology have made physical printing more efficient than in the past. Companies can request small numbers of prints on-demand and still have it be cost-efficient. Previously, mass offset printing required a much larger quantity of materials to be printed in order for the printing to be worth the cost, due to the higher set-up costs. Digital printing also allows materials to be produced at a local level, providing advertisers with their materials to distribute much quicker.

The Return on Investment of On-Demand Printing

Printing small projects on-demand—such as promotional materials—is made possible with digital printing. Companies receive a printing order (usually in smaller numbers) and print them as the order is received and processed. The costs with on-demand printing are much smaller for smaller orders due to the set-up costs associated with offset printing methods. Various promotional materials can be produced cheap thanks to digital printing. Materials for key chains and pens can be printed in an affordable, quick manner for trade shows. Mailed advertisements with coupon codes are also commonly produced, as customers are more likely to interact with them compared to an email advertisement. Signs that you see at many stores, including banners and various promotional signs, are often printed through digital printing. All of these examples illustrate the benefit of physical over digital—in cost, tangibility, and value. Being able to affordably print a product that can be touched and seen in the real world is equating to a higher return on investment for many businesses in today’s crowded digital marketplace.

Versatility is Always In-Demand

Digital marketing has its limits. Pop-up ads can only be so effective and email marketing is often hit or miss. Where these mediums may fail, the versatility of print marketing often succeeds. This makes it an extremely viable complement to digital advertising. Printing packaging for products or branding merchandise for promotions is an undeniable way to improve your marketing capabilities. People may click out of your brand’s pop-ups or delete its emails, but they’re bound to notice packaging or take note of the branded swag you give them. Why? Because these items are tangible and real—more than just pixels that lack form and function. In this way, a wide number of products can be physically printed and successfully used as marketing collateral. From apparel to banners, promo materials to packaging, vehicle signage to brochures and beyond, there’s virtually no limit to the versatility of print products. If you’re looking for ways to ramp-up your advertising and marketing, it may be time to go back to basics. In a digital world, print marketing is thriving once again. See for yourself how print collateral can complement your digital advertising and consult with an AlphaGraphics marketing specialist today.

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